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PMS, Part II: Fish Oil, Progesterone & Cramping

Fish Oils / Omega-3 Fats

Another month, another topic, and yet another opportunity to write about fish oils. Truly nothing in natural or conventional medicine (with the exception of exercise, stress reduction, and a balanced, whole foods diet) is as effective in preventing and treating so many conditions! While there is, for any given condition, something that works better for that specific condition than fish oil, I always recommend fish oil first because its “side effects” include reduced risk of heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s, osteoporosis, and depression. (more…)

Natural Support for PMS

Many women experience what they call a Premenstrual Syndrome, or PMS. For a few days before their period, they may become angry, moody, irritable, tired, and/or depressed. Some women report water retention and bloating, breast pain or tenderness, headache, digestive problems, and/or food cravings. These symptoms last a few days to a week before their periods, and go away within a day or two of their period starting. While certain medical problems, such as asthma, migraines, and epilepsy may also get worse around the time of a woman’s period, these don’t officially qualify as PMS. Menstrual cramps and fibrocystic breast disease also are not considered PMS, because they don’t occur before (pre) menstruation. These two will be covered next month. (more…)

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